Saturday 16 May 2015

Say 'Thank You' and Change Your Life

“God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say ‘thank you?'” William A. Ward

To feel gratitude is to be thankful, appreciative, and to acknowledge blessings. Gratitude really is a miracle, and by practicing it daily, can completely change your life. 

In a study by Dr Robert A. Emmons, it was found that participants who practiced gratitude by writing 5 things they were grateful for at the end of each week over a 10-week period were 25% happier, on average, than those who wrote about the negative hassles of their week. It was also discovered that those who made time to feel grateful actually became more optimistic about the future, felt better about their lives, and even did almost 1.5 hours more exercise each week. 

"When I started to count my blessings, my whole life turned around." - Willie Nelson

From studying the Law of Attraction through books, movies, articles etc., and my own personal experience, I have learnt that when we feel gratitude and appreciate the good in our lives, more good is drawn to us, like a magnet. The fundamental law of the universe, as discovered by Isaac Newton, states that action and reaction are always equal, therefore whatever you give out, you get back. If you feel grateful on a daily basis for all the blessings that are in your life, the universe will shower you with more blessings and opportunities to be grateful for.

3 Effective Gratitude Practices

1. Each morning begin the day by writing down 10 things you're grateful for, for example: 

I am truly blessed to have _____________ because ___________

I am so grateful for _______________ because ______________

Thank you so much for ___________ because _______________

 You could be grateful for your home, family, work, friends, school, pets, the water that you drink, food that you eat, places you have visited and are yet to visit, the birds, flowers, the moon, the stars, your body, your ability to walk, dance, run, anything. There are endless things to be grateful for in this world, the important part is to acknowledge this.

2. Before you go to sleep each night, think about the best thing that happened that day, say thank you for it and relax into the positive feelings of gratitude. 

3. As you go about your day, say thank you. Whether I'm walking, in the car, on the bus, at work, or sat in class, I often take time to look around me and say thank you in my mind. Thank you for the beautiful views, thank you for the lovely weather, thank you for the kind stranger who smiled, and so on. 

Gratitude is the solution to all difficult situations, problems, lack, and unhappiness. 

Gratitude is the miracle behind every success. 

Say thank you and change your life! 

"To have a magical life filled with abundance and happiness, the answer is on your lips, it is inside your heart, and it is ready for you to bring forth the magic!" - Rhonda Byrne 

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