Friday 22 May 2015

Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway

"Fear is a sure sign we're relying on our own strength."

For this week's post I really wanted to share with you a recent breakthrough that I've experienced. Being confident and myself in front of others is something that I've always struggled with. The fear of being judged and criticized has had a pretty strong hold over me all of my life.  Just the idea of putting myself out there for the world to see pretty much scares the crap out of me.

However, over the past few weeks I've realized how much this fear is holding me back and how much it is preventing me from creating the life that I want to live. I've learnt that when we stay stuck in this place of fear and self-protectiveness, we're denying ourselves of all the wonderful opportunities in the world. It's kind of funny and ironic when you think that you've been keeping yourself in this state of fear to protect yourself from being hurt, judged, criticized etc. But in reality, the only person you've really been hurting is yourself. By staying stuck in fear you're denying your true purpose, happiness, and success.

I now recognize that I deserve to be happy and do the things that make me happy. I shouldn't have to spend my time trying to gain the approval and acceptance of others. If others put you down and criticize you for doing what you love then that is their issue, not yours. Accept their opinion and let it go, because in truth, it actually has nothing to do with you, it is simply just their fears and ego acting out.

It is so incredibly powerful to bust through your fears head on. Feeling the fear and choosing to go ahead and do it anyway is so empowering and will change your life in ways you can't even imagine. When we actively decide to step into our truth so many beautiful things start to show up for us.

I realize that it will take time to completely irradiate these fears that I've held on to for so long, but I now make the positive decision to challenge myself to act from a place of love and confidence every day, rather than fear.

“There are two basic motivating forces: fear and love. When we are afraid, we pull back from life. When we are in love, we open to all that life has to offer with passion, excitement, and acceptance. We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections. If we cannot love ourselves, we cannot fully open to our ability to love others or our potential to create. Evolution and all hopes for a better world rest in the fearlessness and open-hearted vision of people who embrace life.” - John Lennon

I'd love to hear from you in the comments below: what fears are really holding you back and how are you going to release them? Do something that terrifies you today! Make that leap of faith, trust you're being supported, and be fearless. I promise you will have no regrets. 

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