Wednesday 9 September 2015

7 Steps to Become a Morning Person (No Coffee Necessary)

"Happiness is waking up an hour earlier to live an hour more." 

I love this quote because it's so true. 

When you start feeling truly inspired, fulfilled and happy, you actually want to wake up early just to get more out of your day. 

I'll admit, I used to hate mornings, being dragged from my bed to get ready for school or college, when all I wanted to do was sleep. I'd constantly spend my mornings wishing I was back in bed. I slept in whenever I could, sometimes until one or two o clock in the afternoon. At this time in my life I was pretty unmotivated, unhappy and mostly trying to avoid life all together. 

I probably wouldn't even recognize the person I used to be if I met her now. To say I've changed and grown over the past four years would be an understatement. Through endless hours of reading self-help books, personal development, watching inspiring videos, positive self-care practices, exercising, eating healthily, I can truly say I have become a morning person. 

Breakfast is 100% my favourite time of the day, and I love the quiet of waking up early and seeing the sunrise. 

My daily routine usually consists of waking up at 6:30am, writing morning pages and listening to a guided meditation, before going downstairs to make breakfast. After I've eaten I will usually practice half an hour of yoga, read, write a blog post, journal etc. Whatever feels good before I set out for the day. 

I now see the beauty in mornings. I'm not saying you have to read 1394520 self-help books or suddenly become a reincarnation of Buddha to be one too, but there are a few things you can start doing right now to find joy in waking up early. 

1. Create a morning routine. Set a regular time to wake up every day, even on weekends (although if I feel like I really need it, I do enjoy a lie in or two). Make your routine FUN. Watch cartoons or your favourite TV show, snuggle back in bed with your breakfast whilst listening to music, write in your journal, or scroll through inspiring quotes on Pinterest, whatever is fun for you! Whilst making my breakfast this morning I danced around the kitchen to The Vamps, I then lit candles, turned on my fairy lights, snuggled on my bed to eat it and read real-life stories on The Secret. Choose what makes you happy! 

2. Set a fun, uplifting song as your alarm tone. My current tone is From Bump to Buzz by Tom Fletcher, however this has been my alarm song for a good year now and I am in need of a change. A Beautiful Day by India Arie would be a great choice, whatever makes you smile or feel relaxed when you hear it. 

3. Place your alarm/phone/whatever it may be, far away from your bed, meaning you'll have to actually get up and out of bed to turn it off. This also prevents the mindless hour of scrolling through Facebook and Instagram before you drag yourself up (we're all guilty of it). 

4. Get creative with breakfast. If I've not said already, I looove breakfast. I literally cannot wait to go to sleep each night, just because I'm that excited for breakfast the next morning. Porridge is my favourite. I love getting creative with toppings and mixing it up a little, apple and cinnamon, banana and coconut, mixed seeds and blueberries... the list goes on. There are so many healthy, yummy options: granola, yoghurt, porridge, fruit, pancakes, waffles, wholegrain cereal, avocado, wholemeal toast... get creative!

5. Be grateful. Before you go to sleep, think of all the good things that happened that day and say "thank you". When you arise in the morning say "thank you" for being alive, for the warm bed you've slept in, the food that you're about to eat, your plans for the day. Be grateful! 

6. Make sure you get plenty of sleep. I like to get a good 7-8 hours each night, with my usual lights-out time being around 10pm. When you get plenty of sleep you can awake feeling refreshed and ready for the day the next morning. 

7. Build dreams and goals that make you want to jump out of bed in a morning. When I started focusing on what I really wanted and began making exciting goals, manifesting what I want, creating my reality, I literally wanted to jump out of bed each morning. Build dreams and goals that make you feel like this! 

I'd love to hear about your morning routines, and if these steps have worked for you in the comments below. 

Have a lovely week! 

B xo 

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