As you may be aware, back in June I made the decision to take a year out of uni, move back home, get a job, and enroll on a life coaching course with Beautiful You Coaching Academy.
However, before I made this leap and decided to go for it, I was feeling pretty stuck.
I had no idea how I would find the money to fund my coaching course, I never even thought of moving back home and working as an option, I was confused as to whether to drop out of uni or not, and my head was pretty much exploding with all of it. All I knew was that I wanted to become a life coach and get my business started as soon as possible. I was way too excited to wait another year.
For a while I was desperately trying to control the situation, my brain was constantly trying to figure out a solution and worrying about how I would find the money and time, but all of this wasn't getting me anywhere.
It wasn't until the moment that I decided to surrender and let go, and await guidance from the universe that everything fell into place.
And that is what I've learnt.
Sometimes we waste so much time making goals and plans, trying to control the outcome of every situation, manipulating it into what we "think" we need and what we "think" is best for us. When actually, as hippy and airy-fairy as it sounds, the universe knows exactly what is best for us, and the moment that we just let go and become open to receiving guidance, things work out better than we can ever imagine. But not only do we have to be open, we have to listen and act upon what we feel called to do, despite whatever fears may come up.
When I reached the point when I had no idea what to do and was feeling incredibly frustrated with it all, I finally surrendered and decided to rely on something greater than myself for the answers.
One day, not longer after, I found myself watching Gabrielle Bernstein talking at Wanderlust festival on YouTube, where she shared a seriously powerful mantra she regularly listens to.
Find the link here: Expand Into Intuitive Knowing
After listening to her talk, I decided to sit peacefully and listen to it in full.
To date, it is probably one of the most surreal experiences of my life.
Five minutes or so into the song, I burst out crying for no known reason to myself, and felt a desperate need to take time out of uni, follow my dreams of coaching, and travel to Bali. It was very specific, it all felt very clear and I knew that was exactly what I wanted to do.
When I came out of this meditative state, I wrote free-hand in my journal for a while. I wrote about how much I wanted to find the perfect coaching course, how I wanted to be able to take more time out, earn money and save for travelling to new, beautiful places, including Bali.
... The reason I am sharing this with you, is that the other day I actually decided to look back on my journal from this time and read what I wrote.
It felt so incredible reading back on what I'd written and realizing that now, it has actually all worked out better than I ever could have imagined:
- I managed to work through my resistance with taking a year out of university and found that all of the people whom I thought would judge me for my decision were actually really loving and supportive.
- I found a job instantly, and I am now working as a support worker in the community which is really rewarding and is allowing me to earn and save money, as well as learning so many new, valuable life skills.
- I was scrolling through Instagram one day, when I came across a pretty image posted by BYCA and felt really pulled to check out their account and website. I knew it was the program for me instantly, everything about it just felt right and within the space of a couple of weeks I'd found the money and support to be able to enroll. And to top it off, they're holding an Inspiration Day in Bali for all students in April... BALI of all the places.
If you've had any experiences similar to this, or if you're feeling how I felt a few months ago and are in need of a bit of guidance, I'd love to hear in the comments below.
Have a wonderful week.
B xo
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