Tuesday 9 June 2015

When You Feel Stuck: Asking and Receiving Divine Guidance

For this week's blog post I really wanted to share a beautifully surreal experience that I had yesterday with you all. 

For some time now I've been having difficulties with really following what I want to do in my life. I'm studying a course at university that my heart just isn't in anymore, and have been wanting to take time out for a while to really focus on what I'm interested in and passionate about. It took a while to figure out what that was, but after a bit of soul searching, I now know that it is to start my own life coaching and spiritual retreat business. This is totally different to my chosen degree, and the career I wanted to go into two years ago, but it's what my heart is in 100%. Others may not approve or agree with the decisions I am making right now, but that's okay because I know that only I know what is right for me.

Three days ago I made a huge leap in enrolling on a coaching program to become a certified life coach. I am SO excited for this. It feels so good to have felt the fears towards the financial aspect of the investment, and whether or not it is right to defer a year of university when I am so close to graduating, to just go ahead and do it anyway.

After asking for guidance for weeks on these issues and all of the other challenges coming up for me in my life right now, yesterday, I finally received my sign!

I was travelling to spend a week back at home and called a taxi/cab to take me to the train station. When the car arrived, I got in and noticed the lady putting down her angel tarot cards, as she placed them next to some crystals at the front of the car. I instantly started smiling and knew I was in for an interesting journey. I began talking to the lady who was driving, and we continued to share our passions/interests in the power of positive thinking, healing, crystals etc. Once we'd arrived at the station she asked if she could do a reading for me as part of her practice, so I picked out one of the tarot cards...

She flipped over the card and it was 'Five of Gabriel'. In her reading she described how she felt that I am experiencing a lot of difficulties and challenges in my life right now with people around me trying to tell me what is best for me... but I shouldn't listen. I need to follow my heart and listen to my own voice as all the pieces of the puzzle are falling together perfectly. I am being guided to exactly where I am supposed to be.

I was like WHAT?! This reading was crazy accurate, and it totally blew my mind!!! It was exactly what I needed to hear at that moment. 

If this experience has shown me anything, it is that when you begin to follow your desires, life responds with love, support and complete guidance. When we begin to show up for ourselves, the Universe shows up for us. We're always receiving miraculous and wonderful signs, we just have to be willing to see them.

Follow your heart and make decisions based on your own happiness!

Have faith!

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