Thursday 16 April 2015

Let Go and Just Have Fun

If I've learnt anything over the past couple of weeks it's definitely that the moment that you stop trying to control every little detail of your life everything seems to begin to work out perfectly. Recently since I've started focusing on what I really love and released my need to control the future and know everything that is going to happen in my life, so many more opportunities have shown up. I've attracted more supportive, influential, loving people and exciting experiences, and everything just seems to be falling into place.

A bad habit of mine is that I take too much on at one time, usually with work or other little 'tasks' that end up amounting to big things. I tend to have multiple different tabs open at any one time, so I'll be juggling writing an essay for uni, online shopping, using social networking sites, emailing and writing a blog post all at once. Sometimes these things are even things that I love to do, like working out, meditation, writing etc. but when I start trying to fit everything into one day I just end up feeling overwhelmed and stressed.

To combat this and make life easier for myself I've begun to practice the art of just letting go and releasing this feeling and need to rush through my day multi-tasking and not really giving my full attention to anything that I'm doing. Creating a "self-care" schedule for my week has released my need to try and do everything at once, for example on Tuesdays I now take a relaxing bubble bath, Wednesdays are for practicing gratitude and Thursdays are now my yoga days. I also have a day for reflection, writing a blog post and reading a self-help book. Doing this enables me to be excited for the activity for each day. It also makes it more fulfilling and enjoyable when I no longer have to feel bad for taking the time out to relax when I "should" be doing other work.

I've also begun to stop myself every time I try and begin a new task whilst I'm already in the middle of another. To aid my time management, I have started to set time aside with no distractions e.g. my phone, TV etc. where I just purely focus on doing work. I like to set these time frames to 30-60 minutes and then I take a break of 20 minutes to do something that makes me happy before coming back to the work. This allows me to be more productive with my time and stops me from getting distracted so easily.

Since I've begun taking this approach to my daily routine and incorporating a little more fun into things without stressing over the little jobs, my mind feels so much more clear and relaxed. Time also feels like it has slowed down in comparison to feeling like I don't have enough time to get everything done.

I guess the main message of this post is to just remember to take time for yourself and don't feel as though you need to get 1833849303 things done every day, some things CAN just be done tomorrow. The world isn't going to collapse around you if you don't get that blog post written today or if you don't email someone back, or work out. Aside from the work, make sure you make time for fun and laughter every day and don't take life too seriously. After all, it is supposed to be lived  ♥️

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