Friday 17 April 2015

Inspiration of the Week:


"The only person who can save you; is you. By eliminating self-limiting thoughts (doubt), and by believing & loving yourself you can achieve anything. Tame your mind one thought at a time. Cancel out negative ones with loving ones. You can do it. Empower yourself & get to fully living this blessing we call life." 
- Christofer Drew 

Chris has always been a huge inspiration on my life. He is the original reason that I decided to go vegetarian after listening to him talk about animal cruelty and the benefits of being vegetarian/vegan, and watching videos that he shared. Aside from this, sharing his lifestyle and knowledge on health, meditation, tea, Taoism, happiness etc. also really inspired me to explore these life changing habits. And as a result I've become the person that I am today. Despite his ups and downs he is continually growing and changing as a person, always seeking to better himself and be more loving and I really respect that. Over the years his music with Never Shout Never has been my "go to" whenever I'm feeling down and his positive, uplifting words continue to inspire me to be and do good in this world. 

"I want to be remembered as someone who did everything they could to help.  Someone who had unconditional love for all living things.  Someone who lived to their full potential." 
- Christofer Drew 

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