Tuesday 7 April 2015

Detox Your Life

Having toxic thoughts around food triggers negative behavior, meaning you're more likely to reach for foods that aren't good for you. Changing your thoughts can have a massive affect on your diet and the ability to make good choices. If you accept that you deserve a happy and healthy life it becomes so much easier to make the right food choices. The moment that I started practicing self-love and realized that I deserve to feel good about myself, eating healthily and exercising no longer felt like a chore. 

Cheat Meal:

Personally I find it easiest to cut out the junk food and say no to chocolate, sweets, chips, crisps etc. when I have one "cheat/treat meal" a week and eat healthily the rest of the time. It saves you the guilt, and you'll actually feel good for having it because you know you've worked really hard all week. It makes me so excited thinking about what I can indulge in each week. Last week I made vegan Oreo stuffed cookies ♥️ 


Eating healthily doesn't have to be difficult or expensive. To save money, shop at farmers markets and highstreet stalls. You can get enough fruit and vegetables to last you a week there for around £8. Shopping at chain supermarkets is much more costly. 

I tend to have two servings of fruit with breakfast, usually a banana and blueberries on my porridge. For lunch I opt for greens with my meal i.e. kale, spinach, salad leaves, or an avocado. And for dinner I usually eat more vegetables with my meal such as sweet potato, broccoli, carrots. 

Making smoothies/juices is also an easy way to incorporate more fruit and vegetables into your diet. One of my favorite ones to make contains avocado, blueberries, cucumber, spinach and banana. I also enjoy making soups using my blender, they're so easy to make and you can experiment with what you use. I love mixing carrots, leek, sweet potato, onions and swede.


Our bodies are giving us signs on a daily basis. So if you're feeling bloated, tired, grumpy, your skin is breaking out, there is probably something wrong in your diet. Make sure to listen to your body, notice the signs and act accordingly.


Exercise, like everything, is always hardest at the beginning. But once you push through that initial stage and get into a regular routine it just feels natural, and honestly you'll actually end up enjoying it. You'll start feeling more confident in yourself and your body, and you'll become addicted to feeling so good. It's scientifically proven that exercise releases happy chemicals into your brain, so naturally you will feel more content, positive and satisfied if you work out on a regular basis.

Even if you can't get to the gym and find yourself busy a lot of the time, there are workouts that you can do in the comfort of your own home and most only take a maximum of 30 minutes.

Here are some that I love:

Blogilates  by Cassey Ho has great monthly workout calenders, beginners plans, as well as 30 day challenges i.e. abs, arms, butt. I love Cassey's workouts, she makes it fun and really motivates you.

Focus T25 by Shaun T is a daily 25 minute workout programme, designed to have all the benefits of an hour long workout in just 25 minutes. It is split into two cycles, Alpha and Beta. Alpha focuses on building your foundation and Beta steps it up a level. This programme is so effective, definitely worth the purchase if you fully commit to it.

Gillian Michaels' has some great home work outs, including kick boxing, yoga, abs, cardio.

Choose health and happiness today!  

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